The Sectoral Platform in Chemicals for Energy Efficiency Excellence (SPICE³) is a project that aims to boost energy efficiency across the European chemical industry, particularly in Small and Medium Enterprises.
Launched in April 2013, the project enables companies to benefit from existing Energy Efficiency tools and exchange best practices through an online platform and various industry workshops. Energy efficiency initiatives by chemical companies are recognised as part of the European Responsible Care Awards scheme in a special category.
Coordinated by Cefic, SPICE³ brings together 11 national chemical federations, which jointly account for almost four fifths of European chemical industry sales. The countries represented are Belgium, the United Kingdom, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Germany, Finland, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Sweden and Greece. Other project partners are energy consultancy Challoch Energy, online communications agency ExtraMile and The Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO.nl, a division of the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs.
The European chemicals industry has had a strong track record on energy efficiency for more than 20 years, but small companies often lack the know-how and the right tools to effectively control their energy use and improve their energy efficiency. Existing industry initiatives designed to fill this gap, such as the CEFIC-led CARE+ energy efficiency programme, are built into SPICE³.

The project is eligible for co-funding by the European Commission under the Intelligent Energy Europe programme, coordinated by the Executive Agency for Competitiveness and Innovation (EACI).