
The Hellenic Association of Chemical Industries (HACI) was established in 1994 at the initiative of the 28 largest companies that manufacture, store and trade chemicals in Greece. Since its establishment in June 1994, HACI has been a full member of the Brussels-based European Chemical Industry Council (Cefic).

HACI members are also trade associations of the wider chemical industry aiming at coordinating actions across the supply chain. Subject to HACI’s Administration Board decision, HACI members with similar business objectives may set up Sector groups to enhance their representation in specific issues pertaining to their activities. These sector groups operate independently from the Association’s actions but still under its auspices and overall supervision.

The purpose of HACI is to examine and resolve issues Affecting chemical industry in general in the following areas:

To meet the above-mentioned objectives, HACI:

  • Carries out research and studies
  • Collects statistics and useful data about the sector
  • Submits oral and written proposals to Public Administration on behalf of the sector
  • Participates in committees both in Greece and abroad which examines issues and shape positions that affect the sector at a national, European and international level
  • Publishes data, studies and Viewpoints of the chemical industry
  • Communicates and cooperates with member trade associations and activity groups
  • Promotes sustainable development in terms of the environment, energy and climate
  • Organizes day conferences and workshops on special topics

HACI has developed sound knowledge of matters concerning:

  • The chemical legislation (REACH, CLP, etc.)
  • Land Permits for chemical companies and the supply chain of chemicals
  • Energy and reducing greenhouse gas emissions
  • Circular economy and chemical recycling

Among the main focuses of the chemical industry are digital transition and delivering the EU Green Deal, which involves:

  • The adaptation to climate change
  • The Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability (CSS), which will bring significant changes to REACH and CLP legislation as well as to laws regulating the marketing of products.

HACI, in cooperation with Cefic, promotes the Responsible Care programme across the Greek chemical industry.

At an international level, HACI cooperates with the European chemical industry as a full member of Cefic since 1994 as well as of ECEG, the European Chemical Employers Group, regarding labour and social matters.

HACI is also a member of the Hellenic Federation of Enterprises (SEV) and the Federation of Industries of Greece (SBE) with which the Association works closely on issues of general interest for the sector.