Human Resources
In Greece, approximately 19,000 people are employed in the production and distribution of chemicals, of which 13,000 (68%) work in production and 6,000 (32%) in the wholesale trade of chemicals. In total, the impact of chemicals production and distribution on employment is estimated at 108,783 jobs, which account for approximately 3.6% of total manufacturing employment. According to an ΙΟΒΕ study published in 2020, every job in the production and distribution of chemicals is connected with 5.7 jobs in the Greek economy.
Compared to other manufacturing sectors, the Greek chemical industry offers considerably more skilled jobs, as assessed in the IOBE study:
- Most employees in the chemical industry (58%) work in highly skilled positions (manual or non-manual), while the rest were low skilled or unskilled employees.
- The breakdown for the overall Greek economy was 47% and 41%, respectively.

HACI organises specialised seminars and information days addressed not only to its members, but also to employees across the chemical industry. From 2019 to 2021 more than 300 executives took part in seminars organised by HACI.
Digital transition and rapid developments in legislation create new challenges for the employees in the chemical industry and demand new skills.
HACI as a member of ECEG, the European Chemical Employers Group, participates in the social dialogue focused on developments in employment-related issues.
As Europe’s fourth largest manufacturing industry, the European chemical industry has significantly contributed to employment with a growing labour productivity, according to data by Cefic.